Golf Fitness Screening

Are you working on your game but feel somethings missing? Find it a struggle to get the club in certain positions? Or maybe you have a constant niggling injury thatʼs stopping you playing? Find out how and why your body is restricting the progress of your game with our golf screening package. All our golf screenings include:

  • Full TPI golf screening

  • Detailed results

  • Take home individual exercises


Come and work with us in person at the gym! We offer everything from individual training sessions to small group sessions. Our personalised coaching plans are designed for golfers of all ability levels from weekend players to tour professionals. We will analyse your current movement patterns, uncover any weaknesses and build your bespoke training programmes to overcome these issues. Our aim is improve every aspect of your health and fitness from movement, flexibility, strength and speed. All with the goal of improving your golf performance and taking your game to the next level.

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